Boxwood ‘NewGen Freedom’

SKU: 149233 Categories: , , ,


NewGen Freedom® is an excellent boxwood. Beautiful, glossy green foliage adorns this relatively vigorous, rounded boxwood that is slightly taller than wide. The habit of NewGen Freedom® is more uniform and tighter than ‘Wintergreen’ or ‘Winter Gem’ making it an excellent choice for formal and residential landscapes. May bronze in winter. Deer resistant! It was selected due to its good resistance to boxwood blight with proper care and resistance to boxwood leafminer. Its vigor helps it create an attractive plant quicker than many cultivars but it also makes yearly or twice-yearly pruning a must. NewGen Freedom®, like many other boxwood cultivars, has a tendency to bronze in winter, especially if in full sun and/or unprotected exposure. Note all boxwood cultivars show some level of susceptibility to boxwood blight under extreme circumstances.

Additional information

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