Cotoneaster ‘Tom Thumb’

SKU: 132473 Categories: ,


A superb miniature accent, hedge or groundcover formed by spreading branches that display an interesting herringbone pattern. Small white flowers appear in summer, followed by large, beautiful red berries that linger to brighten the fall and winter landscape.

Additional information

Weight 0.000 oz
Latin Name

Cotoneaster adpressus 'Tom Thumb'

Plant Type

Deciduous Shrub


Best grown in moist, loamy, well-drained soils, but avoid wet, poorly-drained soils. This is a tough and adaptable plant that can withstand considerable poor soils.

Light Requirements


Low, spreading habit.

Plant Height

1-2 feet

Plant Width

4-5 feet


Tiny, glossy green leaves turn red in fall.


Tiny white flowers in summer followed by red berries.


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Special Features


Container Size


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