Lupine ‘Gallery Blue’

SKU: 108523 Categories: ,


The colorful spikes of Lupines are an unforgettable sight in the early summer border. Plants grow best in a deep, rich soil, slightly on the acidic side. This compact mixture produces flowers in shades of deep blue-violet. As these are biennial or short-lived perennials, allow some plants to set seed for future generations, or trim back hard after flowering is over. Flower spikes are great for cutting.

Additional information

Latin Name

Lupinus x 'Gallery Blue'

Plant Type



Plants grow best in a deep, rich soil, slightly on the acidic side.

Light Requirements



Compact, upright habit.

Plant Height

24 inches

Plant Width

18 inches


Blue-green palmate leaves.


Spikes of pea-like blue flowers bloom late spring to early summer.


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Special Features

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Container Size

Peak Season(s)



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