Cranesbill ‘Rozanne’

SKU: 108392 Categories: ,


2008 Perennial of the Year.

This is one of the best recent Cranesbill introduction, excellent for long-season display and leagues better than older garden forms such as ‘Johnson’s Blue’. It forms a midsized mound of deeply-cut green leaves, bearing loose clusters of bright violet-purple cup-shaped flowers starting in early summer. Flowering can continue for weeks or months, particularly in regions with cool summers. Performs well towards the front of a border, also excellent for massing or in mixed containers. Prune back by half to rejuvenate, if flowering lags during hot weather: this is very seldom required with this free blooming selection, however. Often gives good bronzy fall color.

Additional information

Weight 0.000 oz
Latin Name

Geranium 'Rozanne'

Plant Type



Handles normal, clay, or sandy soils but needs good drainage.

Light Requirements



Sprawling, mounded habit.

Plant Height

36 inches

Plant Width

28 inches


Deeply cut green leaves.


Violet-blue cup-shaped flowers bloom late spring through fall.


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Special Features

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Container Size

Peak Season(s)

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