Grass, Northern Sea Oats

SKU: 115549 Categories: , ,


Drooping seed heads hang in clusters from slightly arching stems topping an upright clump of bamboo-like foliage. Green leaves turn copper in fall and the seed heads emerge green but turn purplish-bronze by late summer then dry to a straw color. Clumping grasses like this provide nest sites and winter cover for quail and sparrows. They also provide fall and winter seeds for a number of birds including cardinals, towhees, juncos, sparrows and finches. One of the few native grasses that grows well in shade.

Additional information

Weight 0.000 oz
Latin Name

Chasmanthium latifolium

Plant Type

Ornamental Grass


Plant in dry to moist, well-drained soil.

Light Requirements

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Upright, arching habit.

Plant Height

30 inches

Plant Width

18 inches


Light green leaves turn bronze in fall.


Drooping seed heads hang in clusters, starting green in summer before turning purplish and drying in fall.


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Special Features

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Container Size

Peak Season(s)

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