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Horehound leaves are unique as they are wooly and whitish-gray in color and crinkled-looking. They have an extremely sharp aroma when crushed. Horehound flowers are white and are spiral-like positioned in the space between a leaf or branch and the stem. It does not appear on the plant until the second or third year of growth. Leaves and the flowers can be added into a salad, stir-fry, soup or stew but only once in awhile. This is a plant that is not intended to be consumed as food on a regular basis. This is used more in herbal remedies as a mild laxative and gastric tonic, or as a cough suppressant and remedy against common cold symptoms. It is an immune booster so drinking a cup of horehound tea once a week can be beneficial. It tastes very bitter so adding honey to sweeten is recommended.

Additional information

Weight 0.000 oz
Latin Name

Marrubium vulgare

Plant Type

Perennial Herb


Tends to do well in dry, well-drained soil, but adapts to most conditions.

Light Requirements


Bushy habit.

Plant Height

18-24 Inches

Plant Width

18-24 Inches


Crinckled, hairy, gray leaves.


Tiny white flowers


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Special Features

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Container Size

Peak Season(s)

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