Myrtle ‘Bowles Variety’

SKU: 103744 Categories: ,


Also known as Myrtle, and an extremely popular evergreen groundcover. This selection forms a dense mat of glossy dark green leaves, studded with bright-blue flowers in spring. Very shade tolerant, the leaves will sometimes scorch in too much sun. Tolerates dry shade once plants are established. Stems root into the ground readily, and the new plants that form may be easily moved to a new location in spring or early fall. Mowing the patch low after blooming every couple of years will help to keep it thick. Plant 4 to 10 plants per square yard. This is the classic form, so popular in gardens everywhere.

Additional information

Weight 0.000 oz
Latin Name

Vinca minor 'Bowles Variety'

Plant Type



Best grown in average, moist soil.

Light Requirements

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Dense, spreading habit.

Plant Height

6 inches

Plant Width

24 inches


Evergreen, glossy dark green foliage.


Large blue-violet flowers bloom heaviest in spring and fall.


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Special Features

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Container Size

Peak Season(s)



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