Blue-Eyed Grass ‘Lucerne’

SKU: 108612 Categories: ,


A charming selection of the Blue-eyed Grass, valuable in the rock garden as well as for edging in the border. Plants form a low clump of grassy green leaves, bearing bright blue star-shaped flowers in late spring for several weeks. Not really a grass, these are close cousins to the more familiar garden Iris. This selection is one of the best for areas with hot, humid summers. Clumps may be easily divided in fall or early spring. A true little gem!

Additional information

Weight 0.000 oz
Latin Name

Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Lucerne'

Plant Type



Tolerates a wide range of soils as long as well drained in winter.

Light Requirements



Clump-forming habit.

Plant Height

8 inches

Plant Width

8 inches


Green, fine, iris-like foliage.


Star-shaped flowers of bright blue with gold centers bloom May through July.


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Special Features

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Container Size

Peak Season(s)



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